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Book Review for Wrong

First things first, when I start a book I like to picture who I imagine the characters to look like. My friends and I send pictures back and forth debating, its always a blast!

This hottie up here ^ is who represents Jude the best. Now it's safe to say I have a little obsession with Stephen James...... Soooooo you will see him often. Anyways, Jude is tall with a lean build and tattoos that take up moajority of his body. Yummy I know.

Although I think I am a better fit for Jude, this is who best represents Victoria ( Tor, Ria ) she is a tall British blonde that is obviously gorgeous.

I won't lie to you, I read this book solely because it had a warning! I am a freak for any book that can shock me and take my breathe away all in one chapter.

This book isn't what I was expecting, to be honest I wasn't sure why it had a warning. Yes, I know there is violence and kidnapping, yada, yada, do...... But, if you are even reading the description of this book, then it shouldn't come as a shock when you stumble on it.

First things first, I like Tor. She's a mousy Brit who refuses to be a victim. I instantly liked her, she never gives up no matter the cards that keep getting stacked against her.

Jude, holy hell!!! First off, I will put a little disclaimer that I have a thing for some rough, gritty, murderous, sexy types ( In books only..... maybe ;) So it shouldn't be a total mind melter when I say I fucking love this guy. Give me a tall, buff, dangerous alpha any day.

With all that being said, this book did have a few moments where I was like " Oh Damn, Jude just lost his shit'! and I loved every minute of it.

Obviously if you are reading my review than you've already read the synopsis of the book so I am not going to waste yours or my time by explaining what the hell this book is about. SO, with that being said this is most definitely a book you need to read if you like books that are EXTREMELY hard to put down, pull at your heart stings, like heart palpitations, and love a good ole murder here and there. Oh yeah lets not forget this ends with one HELL of a cliffhanger so clear your day to immediately jump into book 2!!

P.S- I just started the 2nd book and now I know why there are warnings. Proceed at your own risk, trust me when I say to take the risk ;)

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