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The Sinner on USA

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Rating: 3* out of 5*

Ok, so I first watched the preview for this show while I was at the the theaters waiting to watch a movie. It's been a long time since we've seen Jessica Biel star in, well, anything. I am not a fan of hers, I don't dislike her by any means but she just doesn't stand out with her acting abilities. I mean, in my opinion, I think her best role to date was Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Any who, I was intrigued by the preview enough to have watched the 2 episodes that have aired.

Jessica Biel plays a character by the name of Cora. Cora appears to portray the average young mother and wife that works for a family business. There is a hint of something wrong when prior to having sex with her husband she pops a pill. We aren't told till later exactly what that pill is so we are left to assume it could be for anxiety? Any how, the following day Cora rounds up her husband and young son to have a fun day at the lake. Again, she shows another sign of something wrong when she decides to go for swim and decides to swim way past the safety buoys and to the center of the lake. While she is floating out in the lake, she attempts to drown herself. Clearly she is struggling with something as an average person doesn't try to drown themselves.

Obviously she doesn't actually go through with it and resurfaces back on to the beach. While she is peeling a what appears to be a pear, there is 2 sets of couples sitting about 50ft feet in front of them and they are showing a little PDA. Cora becomes very uncomfortable but is also transfixed and watching their every move. When the girlfriend of a darker haired guy starts playing a song he used to perform while in a band, it triggers something in Cora and she becomes homicididal. She takes the knife she is using for her pear and proceeds to stab the guy 7 times.

The premise of the show is to deduce how this seemly average woman could become a killer in broad daylight to a complete stranger. It follows a detective played by Bill Pullman. I keep waiting for him to give us the epic speech from Independance Day but he has let me down so far.

Bill Pullmans character is a creeper. I won't go into specifics but homeboy has some issues. On the other hand, he is seems to be the only one that gives a shit on why Cora went nuts. I think he's going to be her only hope, even if at this point she doesn't have the fight in her.

It's an OK show, I wish the acting was a little better and the directing is sub par. But its a show on USA so I shouldn't expect HBO quality. But, its peaked my interest and I am going to watch the 3rd episode so if you are looking for a new show this isn't a bad option.

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