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War Book Review: 4 ****

AHHHHHHH!!! I was excited all week waiting for this book! If you've read my last 3 reviews then you know just how much I love this series and how vested I am into these characters.

This book picks up right where book 3 ends and just starts out the gate swinging. We are left with a lot of unanswered question with book 3 and what I can say is that we get all the answers in book 4.

So let get started on how I felt about this book...... I loved how action packed it was and I was always on the edge of my seat. There's so much that I want to say but I can't with out giving anything away. What I can say is that Gabriel's humor brought levity in dark moments and I always got a good chuckle.

There was a specific quote that in the middle of the night I had to write down because it easily has become my favorite quote " A Captive animal may think it's happy having never known what it is to be free.".

Yep, that's some pretty deep shit and in correspondence with where its at in the book it literary genius.

All of the other books I rated 5 stars but this book I am giving 4 stars. Now let me tell you why, the ending felt rushed to me. There was so much build up and then just WAM it was over and then we are thrown into the epilogue!!! My adreneline was still pumping and couldn't believe that will the whole book being build up that they rushed that ending. Also, I honestly didn't like the ending........

-----------------------------------SPOILER ALERT-------------------------------



Ok, you were warned................

So, really!!!!! I love Jude and I love Tor but the whole ending was leading up to them going out like Bonnie and Clyde to endure Caitlyn could be safe. There thoughts were that if they weren't alive that she wouldn't pose an asset to get to them..... Liked it, thought ok, this is perfect. Yes, I was prepared to ugly cry but this book isn't for the faint of hearts and so surely they won't write a happy ending..... WRONG!!!!!! Not only does Jude sacrifice himself to save Tor, he detonates a bomb to kill off the rest of the cartel and some how everyone dies BUT Jude and Tor.....REALLY!!!! First, cool, Tor was going to live to take care of their daughter, but when Jude survives it cheesy! They never even went to make sure the rest of the cartel survives, surely if Jude does, it's possible. Nope, they hop in the car and ride out. I guess not only did Jude survive the bomb but homeboy escaped with no injuries..... AGAIN REALLY????

Lastly, they decide to sacrifice everything and they end up getting their daughter and just riding off into the sunset as one big happy family....... UGH..... This series was phenomenal and to cap it off like that isn't cool. I am so disappointed with this ending but regardless I still loved the book. It was great and a good read, but the ending tho.........

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