I met Donald Glover a few years ago when I was paid to be an Extra on Magic Mike XXL. I was lucky enough to work 3 days while they filmed the Stripper Convention. On day 2, I was chosen to stand opposite Donald Glover while he serenaded Joe Magnello's scene.
NOTE- I am not the girl in the red, but when the camera pans out and Joe walks with his bride you will see me in a floral dress on the opposite side of Donald...

Anyways, if you don't know that it's a lengthy process to film a scene then let me inform you.... We shot that scene 7 times..... A lot of screaming, standing in 4 inch heels, and acting excited 7 times... It's exhausting but was the most fun I had ever had.
In between takes Donald and I talked, he is the most down to earth celebrity I have ever met. We talked about how he lived briefly in my town and about his life. I was a fan before, but after our interaction I liked him even more.
His new show ATLANTA is critically acclaimed, and I have been meaning to watch it. Of course daily life takes over, and I just started season 1 today. It's an awesome show and I completely see why he's getting awards and critical acclaimation.
Not only is it funny, but it encompasses the life of Atlanta to a T! I lived in Atlanta and loved it! This show is spot on. If you haven't watched this show yet I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you do. I am now hooked!!