Dark Control by Annabel Joesph Review

I know I am going to be in the minority on this book, but I didn't love it. The cover is intriguing and the synopsis peeked my interest, but I didn't like it as much as I was hoping I would.
I've read BDSM books before so I will assure you I am not a prude 😌 but it came off kinda cheesy at times. Yes the intense moments with them were great, the author is amazing at making you feel front and center. She wrote intriguing characters that I did like. I rated this 3 stars, its a good book but it just wasn't one that spoke to me and nor did it warrant me to shelve it in my favorites. If you like BDSM then you will appreciate this author because she keeps things real and authentic. Just personally wasn't my favorite, but don't let that sway you.
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